Wednesday, February 25, 2009

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It is quite a wonderful day here at MC i must admit. The sun is shining the birds are singing and there is a slight breeze. I love days like these although at the same time they make me miss the coast. This time last year i would be getting out of school at 11 30 grabbing something to eat then hopping in the truck with some friends and heading to the beach or the river. Skim boarding or kayaking the afternoon away until it was time to go home for supper. It seems i took the coast for granted while i was there, as i am now landlocked up in Clinton. Spring Break is only two weeks away now though and although i know i will spend most of it working i am hoping to spend a significant amount of time on the beach(hopefully a parent funded trip to Florida as well?... who knows though)

I have a speeding ticket i have to pay by today and the place i need to call is not answering the phone so i dont know how much the ticket will be yet so i guess i need to get on that.