Sunday, September 28, 2008

4. First Weekend On Campus

Although we have been in school a little more then a month now this weekend is the first that i have spent on campus. I have been home once(thanks to gustav), to southern miss, Mississippi State, and to Arkansas. Now that i have run out of gas money i suppose i ll be staying on campus more.
My first weekend on campus wasn't to bad, a bit boring i must admit, but at night things could be found to do. The Civitan/Laguna dance in Jennings hall was something to do Friday night. Followed by a college football extravaganza on Saturday, which was highlighted by Ole Miss's win over Florida.
I am not too sure how this ties into the mission statment at all, but all in all i would have to say it was a pretty good weekend. Even if it was a times quite boring. I do however have fall break to look forward to next weekend, so i hoping that this week ahead of me flys by.

Friday, September 12, 2008

2. First Full Week

My first full week of college is now complete and I have to say it was somewhat of an accomplishment. Between writing papers, doing homework, and wasting my life away on facebook, I didn't have much free time to myself. Only four more years of college left(how exciting). As well as our first full week of school starting up, voluntary weight lifting and conditioning started up, led by none other then our own Dr.Miller.

Although these workouts were somewhat strenous it was made easier by the comradare on the basketball team. Although i have only been here three weeks it feels like I am for the most part accepted on the team, which is not common everywhere. I have played for two high schools, many aau teams, and I played a brief stint of basketball overseas these summer and everywhere you go they dont accept you in until you prove yourself to be as good or better then they are. At MC this isnt so.

I am not sure how exactly this was stated in the Mission Statement, but I am sure it has something in there about friendship and comradare. It might even fall under the Christian Enviorment mentioned in the Statement. Either way i am quite pleased with how things are turning out.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

1. Beginning Blog

I ll begin my blog by telling you a little about myself. My name is Micah McNally and i am a freshman here at MC(as most of you could tell). I am come from a fairly large family of five siblings that are all quite competitive and athletic. I am somewhat tall and i enjoy sports and just being active, i am also an avid reader. I am from Long Beach Mississippi and I am looking forward to this first year of college.
I suppose I came here for almost all the reasons on the mission statement, which is somewhat weird to me. The number one reason i came here is basketball. I didn't get any offers from any division one schools and I didn't want to go to a Junior College, which left Mississippi College and Millsaps (not much of choice at all). Also the location of the school is just far enough away from home. A three hour drive isn't too far, but then again it isn't too close either. The least important reason i came here was the Christian environment which is disappointing to me when i think about it. It is the most important thing out of the three reasons and yet it is the last thing on my list. Now that i am here the Christian environment has come the forefront of the things that make MC different from most colleges.
Even though the reasons that drew me to Mississippi College are not the most noble reasons I am still glad and excited to be here. No matter the reasons I am here now and ready to "do some damage". Next week I plan on doing my post before 2:30 p.m. Sunday afternoon, but i suppose i finished none the less.